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Should You Become a Penetration Tester? Exploring the Pros and Cons

Are you considering a career in penetration testing? If so, you're likely weighing the pros and cons of diving into this dynamic and challenging field. As someone who transitioned from being a software developer to a penetration tester almost a year ago, I can offer some firsthand insights into what you might expect. In this blog post, we'll explore why becoming a penetration tester could be a fantastic career choice and why it might not be the right fit for everyone. We'll cover aspects like job satisfaction, career growth, salary potential, and the demands of the role. The Pros of Becoming a Penetration Tester 1. Extreme Satisfaction One of the most rewarding aspects of being a penetration tester is the extreme satisfaction that comes from successfully identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities. When you uncover a critical flaw that could have been exploited by malicious hackers, you play a direct role in safeguarding sensitive data and protecting an organization
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CTF: Portfolio Walkthrough

Scenario A passionate web developer recently launched his personal portfolio website, proudly displaying his projects and sharing his thoughts through a vibrant blog. His focus on design and functionality has left glaring security holes. As his blog gains popularity, you, a skilled hacker, spot the perfect target. Your mission is clear: exploit the vulnerabilities, compromise his site, and expose his negligence. Every weakness is an opportunity, every oversight a path to control. In this CTF challenge, you are the hacker. Uncover the flaws, break through the defenses, and leave your mark on the developer’s digital pride. Welcome to "Portfolio CTF" The game is on. Good luck! You can download the OVA for the Portfolio CTF from this  link SPOILER ALERT: Do not read further if you intend to solve the CTF challenge on your own. The write-up follows below. Introduction I created this Capture The Flag (CTF) machine with dual objectives: to provide a comprehensive training ground fo